Assalamualaikum and Greetings.
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia has outlined a clear direction and vision to establish UTHM as a Global Technopreneur University by 2030, which requires the involvement and collaboration of various parties to achieve this goal. One of the outlined strategies is the enhancement of digitalization. The Student Housing Centre (PRP) UTHM embraces this call through the introduction of four PRP transformations: Governance Excellence, Facilities and Infrastructure, Greater PRP, and Student Empowerment. These four transformations also emphasize the importance of digitalization in ensuring effective governance, management, and approaches.
In line with this, the initiative to establish the official PRP portal has been introduced. This portal will not only contain data and information related to student housing and accommodation but also serve as a rapid communication medium between PRP and its stakeholders, including students, parents, and the community. The introduction of this portal is seen as a Citizen-Centered Public Service approach in meeting the needs of a technologically advanced, open-minded, and modern society. It is also hoped that this portal will position PRP as a forward-thinking, competitive, and problem-solving Responsibility Centre, not only at the university level but also at the community and national levels.
On this occasion, I would also like to express my gratitude and appreciation to the University’s Top Management, especially YBrs. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni), Professor Sr. Ts. Dr. Hj. Lokman Hakim Bin Hj. Ismail, for the support given in realizing this initiative. Special thanks also go to the PRP Strategic Communication team, who have worked tirelessly and demonstrated high commitment in establishing this portal.
“With Wisdom, We Explore”
Finally, I hope that the PRP portal that has been developed will become an information-sharing center that can benefit all PRP stakeholders. The user-friendly access provided is also expected to facilitate everyone’s affairs and enhance the quality of PRP’s services and governance delivery effectively.